Monday, March 22, 2010

Lose weight JUST exercise

Most of you that know me personally know that I am extremely over weight, but to some peoples shock and amazement I am not here by choice. Every thing that seems to go wrong with you, people say lose weight, and that will cure it. Do people think that I would not want to be skinny, and wear all the clothes that are popular, not have to go to the baggy section. Yes I know , the answer to losing weight is eating less and exercise. But in talking to some over weight people in the last few weeks, I have discovered something, I think there are a lot of over weight people out there that do not eat enough! My brother has chosen a new career path as a personal trainer and I am his pet project ( I don;t know how I feel about that ) and I had to write down what I ate and how much, and he told me. "Amy, you do not eat enough." WHAT! All my life I have been taught fat people over eat, and to now be told I need to eat, is mind boggling. So three meals a day, and let me tell you this is not easy for me, I find myself feeling guilty for eating, or for having a snack. A snack, fat people can not snack. I know my idea and perceptions are wrong, but believe it or not there are a lot of people out there that believe that. Then he said the nasty terrible word, exercise. I explained to him that a person as out of shape as I am , that is like saying , 1 tsp of Castor oil, you know it works but it tastes terrible. His answer was to just get out and do something, Ok, sounds easy, like what? Take a walk,anything. But for a person that has not done something like this on a daily basis ,and never had to exercise when they were younger to keep an ideal weight,this is more a chore than you think. Just exercise, to me comes with all the uncertainties that a new job would, lets face it , it is a major life change, and to start exercising hurts. Then you have to keep doing it, even though your muscles are aching, but wait that is a good ache because you know you are getting in shape. Is that like arthritis hurting is good because you know you are still alive? Well I am going to try this new concept of JUST EXERCISE, and see how it works, but I do not think I am going to do it with a smile on my face in the beginning.


  1. There's a really nice mountain park at Peoria Ave and 7th ave. where you can take a pleasant walk through open desert (wear sturdy comfortable shoes, maybe use a hiking stick or ski pole, and take PLENTY of water) and go at your own pace to start. Take some photos of the wildflowers, admire the fact that Phoenix has set aside this land for recreation and preservation, and enjoy the fresh (well, I know, it's not *that* fresh in Central PHX) air. Getting this type of exercise just *might* put a smile on your face.

  2. Sounds good and will give me something to do , while I walk, That sounds nice

  3. Find a buddy to walk with, too, Amy. When I was walking at the track, I found it much easier if I had someone to talk to. You would be surprised how fast the time goes and how far you can walk when you have something to occupy the time. Good luck!!
