Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Alzheimer Versus Technology

When you want to make a call you pick up your cordless phone, when you want to turn TV on your get the remote. There are all kind of things that we use to make our daily life convient and easy. UNLESS you have Alzheimer's , I think one of the most challenging things of this disease is how to keep my mom functioning in the modern world with out frustration.
If you are blind there is Braile, if you are deaf there is closed caption and special phones. But there is nothing out there to keep the mentally challenged in the modern world.
We had to take the cordless phones out of my mom's place and put regular "old fashioned" corded phones in, Have you tried to find a corded phone? Well we found them and that was big help in being able to keep her using the phone, because she remembers how to hang it up and it is simple and basic.
One of my moms favorite past times is the TV, but we had to limit her to the basic cable and no movie or music channels because.... that involves another remote that has to be used. She will call me up and tell me that her TV is broke on the average of 3-5 times a week, and some times she is angry because there is only spanish TV on, ( she has pushed the language button ,,, again). I have looked and looked for simple remotes, and have not found any that will work. So, what I did was take a picture of her remote with my phone and now I can tell her what buttons to push in what order to get the "broken" TV to do what she wants.
When she was in the earlier stages of the disease she had a cell phone, it was called Jitterbug, I think this is a great phone for any one that can not function with a normal phone, You talk to an operator and tell them who to call, by name or relation and they will call you and tell you to please hold for ( in my case) my mom. But as her disease has progressed she could no longer remember to charge it, so we discontinued the service.
I think the most frustrating part of this is that you are trying to help this person have the fullest life possible, and it is such an uphill battle, to keep them in touch mentally with the modern world.

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